how do you feel when someone compliments you on your outfit?

Thursday, June 24, 2010


According to the love doctor, Terri Orbuch PhD, "For the wife, relationship talk is an aphrodisiac, but for men, it’s a turnoff!" He discovered alot of intersting facts about the differences in the sexes and how couples who discuss these differences and similiarities have a better relationship. For the most part women/wives dont need as many compliments from thier husbands to make them happy. They get enough attention from the people around them. Unlike the husbands who crave for attention especially from thier wives.
Thought this was an interesting article that kinda goes along with my quest. It makes me wonder if gender has anything to do with how my compliments are given or received?. I honestly believe men do need more attention, or at least thats what i understand from my experiences, and not only from thier wives, maybe thats a reason why couples get bored with each other and feel the need to cheat?!

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